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Wien – Black History Month 2024: Invinzible Bodies Life Drawing


20. Februar 2024 @ 18:30 22:00 CET

Free or Donations

In celebration of Black History Month Vienna, Invinzible Bodies Life Drawing presents a unique opportunity to engage with and depict the diverse narratives of the black body. Unlike in traditional life drawing sessions, our model does not stay silent, but instead takes an active role, sharing their personal journey while posing.

They delve into their relationship with their body, discussing its beauty, challenges, and triumphs, inviting participants to reflect on their own unique experiences of embodiment and what it means to inhabit a black body in Austria today.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to reflect on and share their own experiences, fostering meaningful dialogue and connection within the black community.

As you sketch, allow the model’s narrative to ignite your creative process, infusing your artwork with depth, emotion, and authenticity. Whether you’re an experienced artist or a novice, this class provides a safe and supportive environment to explore your artistic expression and the personal and political narratives of your body.

A vegan meal and drinks will be provided.

All drawing materials are included.

This event is a safe space, exclusively for black individuals.

Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot now to secure your participation in this enriching and empowering evening.

The event is free so that it is accessable to everyone. If you can afford it, and want to support us, donate!


Part 1: Drawing with instruction

Break: Dinner and drinks

Part 2: Drawing with the model’s narrative

Break: Viewing each other’s work

Part 3: Reflection and discussion


A suggested donation for attendees is 12-25 Euros.

Invinzible Bodies

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